A glimpse into the life of a Mormon missionary (Elder Creer) as he serves a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He began serving in the Utah Salt Lake City Mission- Spanish speaking. On July 1, 2012, he was transferred to a new mission- the Utah Salt Lake City West Mission.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

People started asking me if I was from Mexico...

Hola Familia!

It has been fun in my new area!! My new companion is Elder Benjamin Biggs. He is from Virginia and he played rugby and soccer back in the day. He came out when he was 18 and turned 19 in the field. I am pretty sure that he is Bry’s age. I was wondering what was going to happen to my Spanish after not using it for 9 months and the first few days were a little rocky and it just didn't seem like it was coming out very smooth. After day 4 people started asking me if I was from Mexico again so that's good. It's crazy how with the help of God I was able to remember a lot of what I learned. My accent is the exact same as it used to be. I have forgotten some vocab but I can get that back with a little bit of studying. Speaking of studying..Can you please send me back the grammar book (green one) and the little red vocab book that I sent Bry please? I would like to start using those again for my language study. It has been super fun joking with all the members and stuff already and they said that they haven't seen a companionship like ours in a long time so hopefully we can get their trust and get a lot more work going on here! The Brickeys were trying to convince me to go to Dixie State and they got me a thank you gift for when I was an assistant and I opened it and it was a Dixie State shirt haha. I'm excited for the work here in this area..definitely a blessing from the Lord!! Well hope all is going well there, I am about to go back and play some ball! 
Siempre Cree,
Elder Creer

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